Galéria a referencie
Naši zamestnanci pracujú na projektoch v rámci EÚ, najmä v západnej a severnej Európe. Spolupracujeme s poprednými významnými spoločnosťami, ktorým ponúkame vyškolených zamestnancov na každej pozícii. Kvalitná a dobre odvedená práca pre našich zákazníkov je pre nás mimoriadne dôležitá!
Electrical Installations
Our professional team of electricians brings a wealth of expertise and experience to every project. Each of our employees is professionally qualified, certified and has many years of experience in providing high-quality electrical installation work.
We specialize in the complex installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems, including the professional AC/DC wiring. Our employees at EM BAU are professionally qualified, certified and have many years of experience in photovoltaics under their belt, which ensures quality and reliability of each project.
EM BAU is a team of experts who bring valuable experience and technical know-how to every project. Our employees pass a thorough selection process, are certified and have extensive experience in carrying out scaffolding work. We guarantee safety and efficiency in the implementation of every project, regardless of its complexity.
Electrical Installations
Our professional team of electricians brings a wealth of expertise and experience to every project. Each of our employees is professionally qualified, certified and has many years of experience in providing high-quality electrical installation work.
EM BAU is a team of experts who bring valuable experience and technical know-how to every project. Our employees pass a thorough selection process, are certified and have extensive experience in carrying out scaffolding work. We guarantee safety and efficiency in the implementation of every project, regardless of its complexity.
We specialize in the complex installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems, including the professional AC/DC wiring. Our employees at EM BAU are professionally qualified, certified and have many years of experience in photovoltaics under their belt, which ensures quality and reliability of each project.
Project 1 FV
Our professional team of electricians brings a wealth of expertise and experience to every project. Each of our employees is professionally qualified, certified and has many years of experience in providing high-quality electrical installation work.
Project 2 FV
We specialize in the complex installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems, including the professional AC/DC wiring. Our employees at EM BAU are professionally qualified, certified and have many years of experience in photovoltaics under their belt, which ensures quality and reliability of each project.
Project 3 FV
EM BAU is a team of experts who bring valuable experience and technical know-how to every project. Our employees pass a thorough selection process, are certified and have extensive experience in carrying out scaffolding work. We guarantee safety and efficiency in the implementation of every project, regardless of its complexity.